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Featured Freelancer: George Woodard III 

George is a WordPress Developer & MarCom Website Specialist with eLsqurd Media Group. He has been working in the website design and development industry for over ten years.

Featured Freelancer: Kenneth Elliott

With over 20 years of experience in web development, social media, and online marketing, Kenneth has developed creative and engaging brand concepts for over 500 clients. As the founder of a local creatives support group and co-organizer of the local WordPress Meetup chapter in Columbia, Kenneth focuses on making community happen wherever he goes.

How to Create SMART Goals

Color Joy Stock - Christina Jones Photography LLC

The world is a tough place. A lot of times, it can be seen if the world is really trying to bring you own. As soon as you get ahead, it always seems like you end up two steps behind. This can be quite disheartening and can make the world seem really confusing. However, there […]